Our History
Elsie Lathrup, the Pastor's wife from Deckerville Bible Church and Mildred Haupt took a group of three young people to Chicago to visit Moody Bible Institute. On the way home they expressed their concerns about the lack of a fundamental work in Sandusky.
The only place they could think of to hold meetings was the Seventh Day Adventist Church. The first request was turned down. Mildred then wrote to them and explained how they would like to use the building and were willing to make a number of needed repairs.
Permission was granted and people went to work. The church was thoroughly cleaned and Mildred went to sears in Saginaw and bought material that Elsie Duncan used to make new cushions and drapes.
Men from Deckerville Bible church as well as the Fishermen\'s Club from Port Huron covered the city with invitations. The first meeting was held May 11, 1952. The small group had Evangelist Rev. Brusseau as their first speaker. The first night of the meetings the floor cracked and fell some. George Haupt had a large timber at the farm. He and Earl Rathburn fixed the floor.
In 1954 the church called Jim Grider as their pastor and the church grew mightily under his ministry. The present sanctuary was built in 1958 under the direction of Robert Hill. Over the years the church has faithfully preached the Bible as God\'s Holy Word. We have endeavored to reach out into the community and encourage them to become followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. It has been a joy to see children come to know the Lord through our Kid\'s Club ministry.
Pastor Brian Cuddie has been the pastor since October 2001. He and Terri have been married nearly 39 years and have two children (Sarah and Daniel) who now have families of their own.